Northern-Star | Community and School Safety Initiatives - "Do Something"

Every day, millions of students face the threat of violence in their schools.

Join the Northern Star Coalition to provide free services, training and resources. Together, we can create safer schools and communities.

Shocking Facts About School Safety in the U.S.

These numbers reflect the harsh reality that students face daily, but we can and must do better.


In 2023 there were 346 Shooting Incidents on School Grounds in the U.S.


39% of students reported being “Bullied” in the classroom or on School Grounds.


In 2020-2021 there were 2,700 incidents of sexual assault reported. Unknown number of unreported incidents in K12 schools.

Individuals in Crisis

Individuals who commit mass shootings often reported childhood trauma (abuse, neglect, social rejection or bullying).


69% of Mass shooters are suicidal during or after the event. For schools shooters suicidality is even higher at (92-100%).

In recent years

In recent years, assault by weapon, cases of intimidation and bullying, and alcohol possession have all more than doubled on school properties.

Our Programs

Free Comprehensive
School Safety / Security Assesments

Free Community-Based School Safety Action Plan Development and Implementation

Free Subject Matter Expert Speakers and Training Sessions for Students, Teachers, Administrators, and Parents


We invite you to join our Coalition by helping, volunteering or giving to this cause.

Join the Change

Be part of our mission to create more resilient communities and safe schools.
We can make a difference.