Northern-Star | Community and School Safety Initiatives - "Do Something"


The Northern Star Methodology addresses school and community safety by
uniting local stakeholders, educators, and first responders to collaboratively
tackle the root causes of violence.

Why Choose Northern Star?

Northern Star provides a collaborative, NO COST service designed to empower
communities to protect their schools and neighborhoods.

By prioritizing evidence-based strategies and local engagement, we foster trust,
resilience, and a culture of safety.

Together, we will address the root causes of violence and build stronger, safer


Rejecting the notion of “school violence” as an isolated issue, we focus on community violence that infiltrates schools. This evidence-based, problem-solving approach focuses on creating or refining Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) and School Safety Plans that align with local needs.

Our framework

emphasizes three critical areas:

Physical Security

We evaluate and enhance security infrastructure, emphasizing measures such as:

  • Advanced security technologies and communication systems.
  • Safe transportation routes and neighborhood risk assessments.
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), focusing on:
    • Access control
    • Lighting
    • Calming environments

Policy Development

We collaborate with stakeholders to refine policies that affect safety and wellness, such as:

  • Anti-bullying and harassment protocols.
  • Emergency response guidelines.
  • Visitor management and access control policies.

Social-Emotional Development

We provide training and resources to address precursors to violence, including:

  • Suicide prevention, trauma awareness, and mental health support.
  • Human trafficking and cyber safety education.
  • Conflict resolution and trust-building training.


We invite you to join our Coalition by helping, volunteering or giving to this cause.

Join the Change

Be part of our mission to create more resilient communities and safe schools.
We can make a difference.